BBA LAW has more than 20 years of experiences in this field and we have solved more than 2000 cases. Every case is very important to us and we always take care of them seriously. We have 98% of happy clients.
BBA LAW is able to provide you with the timely and cost effective counsel to complete your transaction and mitigate your risk.
The lawyers at BBA LAW have represented their clients at every level of court: from administrative tribunals and small claims court to the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Appeal.
BBA LAW has been providing counsel to their corporate clients and ensuring compliance with the complex laws that govern businesses locally.
The lawyers at BBA LAW have represented their clients at every level of criminal court from administrative tribunals and Provincial Offences court to the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Appeal.
Family Law is a complex area of law. The lawyers at BBA LAW have been providing counsel to their domestic clients for over 15 years.
At BBA LAW we can help you make the difficult decisions that need to be made to protect yourself and your loved ones.